How Fresh Produce Everywhere is Transforming Cold Chain Operations

How Fresh Produce Everywhere is Transforming Cold Chain Operations

The demand for fresh perishables is driving digital transformation for food retailers As summer harvest reaches its peak, not only are consumers shopping at their local farmers markets for seasonal produce, but they also are looking to find fresh and healthy foods at grocery stores, delis, convenience stores, and even dollar stores.

5 Ways to Improve Food Safety Training

5 Ways to Improve Food Safety Training

Frontline workers play a critical role in food safety. But how effectively are they trained? In the restaurant, grocery, and food manufacturing and processing industries, it’s no secret that food safety is of paramount importance. We’ve all seen horror stories in the news of foodborne illness outbreaks, which may cost businesses millions to recover from. […]

The IoT and Tax Credits

The IoT and Tax Credits

Often overlooked, R&D tax credits may be waiting for your business Among the top challenges cited for implementing digital transformation — including the Internet of Things (IoT) initiatives — is the cost. As companies develop a compelling business case for rolling out IoT-enabled capabilities, they should consider potential tax savings as part of their value […]

Prepare Your Network for the Internet of Things

Prepare Your Network for the Internet of Things

Before enterprises can reap the benefits of IoT, network infrastructure must be in place Turning your retail store, restaurant, or commercial building into an Internet of Things-connected facility takes more than just hooking up sensors to the cloud. However, it’s important to not let the elaborateness of IoT obscure the rewards of the technology. By enabling […]

How Technology Engages Millennial Employees and Reduces Turnover

How Technology Engages Millennial Employees and Reduces Turnover

Giving employees the right tools can keep them motivated and driven Today, it’s hard to find a company that isn’t investing in technology to boost customer experience — think of loyalty programs that track customer data, or software that allows for real-time resource management — but how many tap into digital tools to engage employees?

How Restaurants Are Dealing with Rising Wages

How Restaurants Are Dealing with Rising Wages

Operators are scrutinizing processes and turning to technology to reduce labor costs Over the past few quarters, chain restaurants have been squeezed by many challenges, including a soft consumer spending environment and increased competition from delivery services. In particular, higher labor costs are not expected to go away anytime soon, amid a tight job market […]

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